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Addiction in "Aurora" and Why it isn't a Love Story

In class, the main and first question posed to us was “is Aurora a love story?” Personally, my answer is a
hard no. Not because it’s an incredibly unhealthy relationship (which also plays a factor because, in my
opinion, you need to have some semblance of an actual relationship in order to have a love story), but
because that’s not what “Aurora” is about.

First and foremost, “Aurora” is Lucero’s story. It simply tells us about his life, and Aurora is simply a
part of his life. She’s the only part of his life (that we know of) that he doesn’t feel secure in. He hates
himself for always engaging with her, even when he knows he needs to drop her, which leads me to my
main point. We already know that Lucero’s love for Aurora is an addiction- we discussed it in class
and Diaz even makes a direct comparison in the text.

Addiction is everywhere in this story. Everybody is addicted to drugs, Lucero thrives financially on
addiction, and he is addicted to a girl who is toxic to him. This story is entirely about addiction.
Further than that, I believe it’s a story about how addiction is inevitable in the culture that Lucero and
Aurora has grown up in. Lucero has conquered the addiction scene, in finding a way to use it to his
advantage to make him financially stable. The vibe I got from the story was that, even though he
likes to do drugs, he’s not entirely addicted (although this is definitely debatable). His lack of
addiction shows that he has conquered addiction even further, doing so many hard drugs and having
even more pass through his hands without getting addicted himself. Despite his conquerence of drugs,
he still manages to find his own source of addiction, one that could be just as toxic as cocaine or heroin.

I think that what Diaz is trying to say is that addiction is everywhere. Not just in the form of illegal
substances but also in unhealthy relationships, and if they get toxic enough they can ruin a person
just as bad. Everyone’s addicted to something- whether it be thrill, shopping, public image, whatever.
Perhaps I’m way off the mark, but I definitely think it means something that a successful drug dealer
still finds addiction somewhere else. I believe that this is truly the theme of the story, not love or


  1. I really enjoyed reading this post, and I agree that addiction is everywhere, whether you're being consumed by it or you're profiting off of it. Lucero using the addiction scene to his advantage is something I didn't think about but definitely adds another dimension to him being good at and aware of his work.


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